GeNe's Motivation and Dedication....
Once upon a time . . .

A young child and his siblings came to live in a new home. Scared and frightened they entered the foster care system.

​As foster/adoptive parents and siblings we wish to talk about the youngest boy that arrived at our house that day. His name is Gene. At 17 months of age he was a whirl wind of energy, had blond hair, deep brown eyes, was small in frame and had absolutely no fear. 

Gene is a beautiful child that demanded structure and order. He sorted colors and items, and walked in circles. He was easily frustrated and would bang his head against the floor. He was impulsive, fearless, had night terror, had difficulty sleeping, and was extremely quick and strong. He rarely gave eye contact and made no attempts at speech. He was frequently ill, had seizures and asthma.

With many evaluations and interventions it was determined that this brown eyed, involved little man was developmentally delayed, had Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE) and was later evaluated as having Autism.

Gene survived by existing in his own small boxed in world unaware of his surroundings. As we desperately reached out to help him move out of this world he  firmly remained within it. Attempts at change  produced fear and then destruction. After many years of intervention, services, patience, persistence, structure and love, Gene began to depart from his box.

At the age of seven he spoke his first words and began to really look at people. He opened his eyes to the animals on the ranch embracing softer methods. Now he speaks of his horse “Sonny” and  their adventurous escapades on cattle drives and the cooking.  And like any typical kid he complains about his turn to do dishes and clean his room.

Gene has truly risen above many developmental, medical and emotional difficulties. He now speaks openly and freely. His words are genuine, honest and frank. His handshake is sincere and his hugs are pure. He can quote most movies and loves puzzles.

Gene learned to work in the house and on the ranch. He started with clearing the table as a youngster with all of his other numerous biological and adoptive siblings. He loves to volunteer at the animal shelters, work with the veterinarian, and has enjoyed various working experiences within his community.

This next step in his life will be monumental for it is transitioning to our adult world. By creating a business (Genes Dog Treats) that supports his love of animals Gene will fulfill what many may have deemed the “impossible dream” . . .to Gene's own Independence!

His devoted parents and siblings!!

Gene's contribution... 

Gene is definitely a wonderful contribution to our High School. He helps out and does so many nice jobs. I always see him cleaning the lockers, benches & tables. He refills our vending machine (we love that!), he helps the cooks, & so much more. Not only does Gene help make us happy in these ways, he also just makes all of us happy by being himself! Gene will just shower everybody with compliments & funny jokes. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates having him in our school!

-JC ... from Gene's School​

A little sunshine...

​Gene brings sunshine to our school. He comes into the office every morning to get a little treat and to say "hello" to anyone who is there. He is a genuine young man who truly tries to make everyone he comes in contact with feel happy. He takes care of his responsibilities that he has been assigned very well. We are happy to have Gene in our school and to help bring that little ray of sun into our lives each day.

-Principal Lady

​​Lending a helpful hand...

​​​​"Gene helps me in the High School library and sorting mail daily. He's always ready to do his part and is a hard worker. He enjoys sharing a smile and greeting to everyone he meets. I appreciate how Gene concentrates on his duties
and how dedicated he is to doing it."

SL ... from Gene's School
Then and now...

​​I met Gene when he was very young, at a family gathering. We knew at the time Gene would have tremendous struggles with the special challenges he would face throughout his life... I hadn't seen Gene for many years until I had the opportunity to speak with him recently. Honestly, I cried, not from sadness, but joy... I never realized that the little spirit, buried deep down inside such a small child could embrace such insurmountable odds. I am truly blessed to have known then and now, the gifted individual he is and has always been. 

Auntie J...​​